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Anxiety In Our Lives

Have you ever felt anxious? Why is it that we feel it? Perhaps we got a new job, bills are due, we have moved to a new area. You see there are many reasons as to how and why we get anxiety. A lot of people are aware, others are not. But how do we deal with that anxiety? What is it that we need to do to manage it.

In this I will be talking about how and why anxiety is important and when is it bad to have it. I will also show how one can deal with the anxiety that is already engraved within us.

What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is the feeling of fear, dread and uneasiness. We tend to feel anxiety whenever we are in unknown public settings, interviews, starting a new job, presentations, heart break and many more. One might feel tense, heart will be racing and sweat might be involved.

We tend to get anxious in moments of stress, whether we are taking an exam or have a deadline at work. But it is all part of the human experience. Whether it is making an important decision or moving away from home, anxiety will always be there because it is engraved in our body.

Everyone Feels Anxiety

We must realize and understand that everyone feels anxiety, we all go through it. It isn’t just a single person thing, at the end we all get a bit anxious. The only difference is that some learn to deal with it and are good at hiding it. A lot of the times we believe or feel as if we are the only ones that feel it and say things like “you wouldn’t understand what I’m going through”. But clearly everyone feels it , even those superstars we see on television, the movie stars, athletes, singers, everyone knows what it is like to feel anxious.

When we start understanding and realize that it’s not just us that feels anxious, we have a sort of relief because we understand that we are not alone.

Forms of Anxiety

There are different types of anxiety that one can get which can lead to worse anxiety if we are not aware of it. The more we educate ourselves on it and the more we know how to deal with it, the better we will handle it. The forms that tend to get worse over time are

  1. Social Anxiety
  2. Panic Disorder
  3. Agoraphobia

How To Deal With Anxiety

We must first become aware that anxiety is everywhere inside of us, when we perform, when we present its there, when we are in unknown settings. It is built in us, but how do we manage?

Managing can come in different ways, from talking to someone you trust, to going out for a walk whenever anxiety comes. Another great way that I usually deal with anxiety is writing about your feelings. This is a great way to let out our thoughts and just become more mindful of whats going on inside of us. One of my favorite things to do is meditation, we have constant thoughts and worries in our lives. Taking the 10minutes out of our day to just close our eyes, relax and realize everything will be okay, is one of the best ways you can clear your mind.

Anxiety will always be a part of our lives, but if we learn how to deal with it and manage it then we can become great and thrive in the outer world.

Control What We Can And Ignore The Rest

The last thing that I would want everyone to take from this, is the fact that we can only control so much. We have been program to constantly worry about so many things around us, bills, jobs, tests, performance, grades, deadlines. We must understand that all of that just adds on to our worries and at the end they are things we can’t control because if we are striving for it then they will eventually come. For example if you want to have a good job, we are not able to control whether we get that job or not. If we want to get good grades and do good in school, our grade isn’t determined by just worrying about it. And the final example is, deadlines, we set ourselves deadlines for a doing a specific task, applying for something, getting a house before age 40.

All of those things are outer world materials, things we are not truly able to control unless we control ourselves. We are able to feed our own thoughts in our head, eat healthy if we choose to, be mindful and kind, all these things we can control. When we realize that the only thing we can truly control in this world is ourselves, our mind, body, and soul then we can take charge and become the best version of ourselves and thrive in this world.