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Dictating What Makes Life Important

The important of different situations comes in many forms. Not everyone has the same answer to this. Whats important to me might not be important to you. Whatever it might be, we all have an idea of what is truly important In our lives. Here I will write about how one can dictate it and strive for better.

Self Worth

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Having self worth is the first step to take when finding what’s truly important. One cannot know if they don’t see their own first. Not focusing on what others have to say about them. We are all capable of doing so much more in life. Even as you are right now, even as I sit here and write, there is always more we can do to become better and know we are worth trying. Finding self worth, will guide you into finding whats important for you.


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Another focus in how to find whats important is family. But family has different meanings to a variety of people. To some family are blood, others it’s more than that such as friendships. Family is who you know will always have your back and wants what is best for you. If family back home is toxic, moving and finding peace is the best thing to do again valuing self worth. For me, moving away made me see things differently. How much drama can be within a family. And although family might be a sacrifice we start seeing that it is such an important aspect of our lives as well. To be better is to do it not for ourselves but for others.


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From it all we start noticing patterns. What has been dictating what is important in life are relationships. We live for them, whether they are healthy or not. Relationships with ourselves comes first, we are constantly in our own thoughts, whether it is positive or negative talk. Then comes relationships we built as we growth, with family, friends, co-workers, staff, teachers, professors etc. We tend to base certain things off this, to be liked or approved by a certain relationship. If we focus on the positive of these things and see how we can make relationships better in our lives, the quality of it will just raise.

Being Present

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One of the many important aspects of life is being present. If we aren’t present in our career, school, sport, relationship, things tend to get hectic. We lose ourselves or aren’t focused on what is in front of us. We also lose the chance of seeing how blessed we are to even be living this life. We all have a reason for it and we can all live a high quality of life, if we are more present of the situations we are put on. This will always be an important aspect of life, because at the end of the day we don’t know what the future holds, the past already happened, meaning the present is all we have.