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Habits Worth Striving For

Throughout our lives we are constantly told to imply certain things for a healthier life. The reality of it all is that not many end up doing it. We lose touch with ourselves and body, and forget how important it is. Our mind and body are essential and applying methods will truly raise up the quality of life. In this blog post, I will show you different habits to build that have worked for me to live a more fulfilling life.

Eating Healthy

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One of the most important things to look after is what we are eating daily. Growing up I ate a lot of junk food, whether it was Hot Cheetos, Ice cream or chocolate. I could not get enough of it, and even now I still carry on a sweet tooth. However, I have become aware of how unhealthy it was and made me feel. Although I would get the instant pleasure eating junk food, the aftermath was never fun. Which is why I made it a habit these past years to implement healthier eating habits. This is what I have learned thus far. It makes me feel twice as better, my stomach isn’t always bugging, and the quality of my life has definitely improved. Building this habit has a lot of benefits, it’s not easy but definitely worth it.


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Another habit that has made a difference in my life is going for daily walks. I know sometimes our day gets busy and there isn’t time. But building a habit to go on walks at least 3 times a week makes such a difference. Not only do you get your steps in but the clarity that it brings to your mind is so different. We become present with the focus of ourselves and the path in front of us. This is why it is such an important habit, the more present we are the more we enjoy life.


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Meditation will always be an activity to implement in our lives. It is a difficult thing to do when first starting. Just having to sit still and focus on our breathing is tough. But the benefits of clarity and more self awareness are worth every moment. It is essential to keep a clear mind in our lives, for ourselves and others around. Being more aware means knowing what to say in certain moments. We also get in touch with our feelings and learn the valuable skill of emotional intellegence. The person with a clear mind will always have an advantage in hectic situations.


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We are all aware of this habit and what It brings to us. It is one of the tougher ones, but most beneficial. The habit of exercising can increase the quality of our lives more than anything. Especially once we start enjoying what we do. What I have learned from exercising is that it brings me more confidence as well as more energy. It also brings out the stress that has gone through my head that day. After every workout I can assure you that you will feel twice as better and once it becomes a habit, you won’t want to stop doing it.

Being Present

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The final piece too all of this, is just becoming more present in life. Building this habit is one of the most essential things in life overall. The more present we are, the more we enjoy doing what we do. If we are present when exercising you’ll notice the difference. If we are present whenever we are around our family and friends we tend to enjoy it more. This is a big key to raising the quality of life and will forever change the person that you are.