Life Is An Adventure

How do you perceive life? Maybe it’s the fact that you get a good career, start a family, own a home, and just work till you can retire. What if there was a different way of viewing things though?

Life can be many things, some say life is chaos, others say life is good, and many just let life go pas by them without even thinking about It due to it being “pointless” with no meaning.

What if I told you there was a different way to view life, We are all living an adventure and in this post I will talk about the different ways to make it one.

Explore the outdoors

As a developing world, we have been able to live in comfortable settings. With warmth and a lot of food that is being processed. However, with technology rising we have forgotten our true nature in this world. We have forgotten that we were meant to explore the outdoors.

Think of evolution for a second, what was the main reason as to their willingness to survive. What did they need to do in order to find food, shelter, and find a way to survive during the first years. They didn’t just stay in an area, they went out and explored, in search of more. More food, safer sheltering, warmth. They were not staggered because they knew they had to be moving in the world In order for them to survive.

I know we don’t live in the old ages, and we have everything we need to survive where ever we are located. But think about it, if we were put into this world by whoever or whatever, do you think we are living a fulfilling life by just staying home all day expecting things to always go our way?

No, we must explore our surroundings and realize that there is so much more to experience in this life, we were never meant to stay in one place. We need to go out there and explore the world, the outdoors!

Meet Others With Different Backgrounds

Being able to get out of our comfort zone and explore will teach us more than any book ever read. Because with exploring comes meeting people from different backgrounds. We are able to see the different ways that one grows up and gets nurtured, and trust me everyone is raised differently.

When doing this, we start to realize that not everything we were told as kids is true. Some were raised in wealthy homes, high income families, and others were raised in the ghetto with a working class family trying to find a way to survive on a daily. This doesn’t just show us a different way of how life is lived but it shows us that not everyone has the blessings or privileges that we believe.

Getting to meet different backgrounds will no only open up our perspectives but as well as open up our hearts to new wonders of the world.

Be Open To Different Perspectives

As you see with exploring and meeting different backgrounds, we are able to see different perspectives of life. We can see that we all grow up differently and see life differently because of it.

If we grow up in a safe environment, we will only see safety in the world. However, if we grow up in a place where violence is involved at all times, our perspective of life will be that there is only violence in the world.

Being able to be open about different backgrounds and seeing how many different perspectives of lives there are, we will grow and look for more of it.

Never Stop Being Curious

The curiosity of searching and being able to explore and notice different backgrounds in the world will keep us in a more open minded world. We will be able to see that there is so much more truth out there that we aren’t even aware of. We must never stop being curious abut anything, because once that happens then that’s when our whole perspective and growth stops happening.

Enjoy Life While We Are Still Breathing

If there is one thing that I would want everyone to take from all of this, is that we must enjoy our life while we are still here. At the end of the day we are never sure when our last day will be. So why not go all the way, never regretting the decisions that are made. After all, nothing is certain in life, so enjoy it while we are still here alive and capable of doing anything we dream about, we must just see it ourselves.